+ Build 25/06/2014 : Initial Version
+ Build 27/06/2014 : Fix not working with windows XP
+ Build 03/07/2014 : Fix not working with some machine run windows 8/8.1 64bit
2. What's news:
+ This is a modified version of UpTestEX v1.2.3.1 and working with all LG Smartphone Models
+ Re-design GUI simpler.
+ Working without LG Mobile Support Tool installed !
+ Working with lastest version of LG Mobile Support Tool.
+ Dont need to use hosts file or run http server to bypass anymore !
+ Default language is set to English. Don't need to choose language any more !
3. Tutorial:
+ Download and setup LG Driver Download
+ Download LG Flash Tool 2014 tool and extract :
+ Enter to Download Mode and plug USB into your PC
+ WARNING : Remember copy KDZ file into LG Flash Tool 2014 folder
+ Run LGFlashTool2014.exe and do as following pictures :
+ If you cannot run LGFlashTool2014.exe, please install Visual C++ Runtime Library : https://googledrive.com/host/0B9l4QO...tInstaller.exe[/SIZE]
Normal Flash: Flash ROM without losing any data. Only use this when you need to fix system error. Beware of boot loop when flashing ROM that differ from current ROM on your phone or MOD ROM.
CSE Flash: Choose this option when you need a fresh format. All data will be gone. It's suitable for upgrading or downgrading ROM or simply use this when you need to back to Stock.
No need to choose desired language, it automatically change to English as a default setting.
+ Wait until 100% to complete !