Description: Z3X Samsung Tool is a tool specially for Samsung devices where you can do network unlocking by reading codes or direct unlock. You can also repair imei, flash and many more.This is the best tool for Samsung devices. It's really a great tool from Z3X Team.
Phones added:
SM-T530 (Flashing, Read/Write/Reset EFS, reboot to download/recovery, Reset FRP/EE).
SM-T530NU (Flashing, Read/Write/Reset EFS, reboot to download/recovery, Reset FRP/EE).
SM-T533 (Flashing, Read/Write/Reset EFS, reboot to download/recovery, Reset FRP/EE).
SM-T335K (Flashing, Direct Unlock, Read/Write/Reset EFS, Read/Write QCN, Read/Write SEC, Write CERT, reset MSL, wipe NVM, Activate diag, reboot to download/recovery)
SM-T335L (Flashing, Direct Unlock, Read/Write/Reset EFS, Read/Write QCN, Read/Write SEC, Write CERT, reset MSL, wipe NVM, Activate diag, reboot to download/recovery).
How to Crack:-
- Extract File From Zip File
- Find Loader In file
- Run Loader In Adminidtrator
- Click On Try
- Now Open Z3x samsung pro tool..
- Enjoy...
More Info
Tool Z3X Samsung Edition
Loader Size; 47.1 MB